The sim free play กับ the sim mobile ต่างกันยังไง

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I have been asked a lot about how different The Sims Mobile will be from The Sims Freeplay, I think some people are worried that Mobile is replacing Freeplay and that isn’t the case! The two games are very different as explained below:

  • The Sims Freeplay is created by EA and Firemonkeys whereas The Sims Mobile is created by EA and Maxis
  • In the Sims Freeplay you can create loads of houses and families, building up your town but on the Sims Mobile you have one house and up to 4 playable sims:

The sim free play กับ the sim mobile ต่างกันยังไง

  • Although the main currency simoleons is the same the premium currency is different, in the Sims Freeplay you have lifestyle points and social points and on the Sims Mobile you have simcash:

The sim free play กับ the sim mobile ต่างกันยังไง

  • On the Sims Mobile your sims have to retire to create legacies for future sims but they do not die, on the Sims Freeplay your sims will pass on once you complete the Life Dreams and Legacies Quest, but even then you can stop them from dying.
  • Both games are real time but a lot of tasks in the Sims Freeplay take a lot longer as most actions in the Sims Mobile take 5 seconds making it a fast paced game:

The sim free play กับ the sim mobile ต่างกันยังไง

  • Both games are free to play but have in app purchases so you can buy more money or new items with real money.
  • In the Sims Mobile the only need your sims have is energy, each action uses at least one energy, once you run out of energy you need to either wait for their bar to refill, have your sim sleep or use another item in the house or use a cupcake (if you have any) before you can do anything else. In the Sims Freeplay your sims have lots of needs that you fulfil using a related item, for example when your sims are hungry you can use the fridge to increase this need, if you don’t fulfil their needs they become unhappy but you can still complete actions using them:

The sim free play กับ the sim mobile ต่างกันยังไง

  • The create a sim on the Sims Freeplay isn’t as in-depth as the Sims Mobile, on the Sims Mobile you can move the sliders to make every feature completely unique. The sims on the Sims Mobile look more like the Sims 4 which you would expect, I really love how they look on both games but I personally think they look more realistic on the Sims Freeplay:

The sim free play กับ the sim mobile ต่างกันยังไง

  • On the Sims Mobile they focus on legacies, so what your sim achieves in their life and the perks they unlock affects their relatives in the future when they have retired whereas the Sims Freeplay doesn’t really have legacies, apart from earning orbs and you can play without doing that but it is a major part of the Sims Mobile.
  • When you send your sims to work on the Sims Freeplay they will go on their own and you cannot see them during the day at most workplaces (unless it is a profession career) but on the Sims Mobile you complete career events so complete shifts with your sims to level up and unlock new career items to decorate your workplace and make it unique to your game!

The sim free play กับ the sim mobile ต่างกันยังไง

I think its great that both games are so different, if they were very similar it would be boring, if you like one you might not like the other or you could be like me and just love everything The Sims!

The Sims Freeplay & The Sims Mobile

Thanks for reading!

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