Well received and thank you for your kind support แปลว่า

Well received and thank you for your kind support แปลว่า

Do you respond to every email you receive right away? Probably not fast enough to receive a “thank you for your quick response” reply. And you’re not alone — people delay 37% of emails that require an answer.

People appreciate prompt email replies. It makes us feel acknowledged, and communicates reliability. If you receive a prompt email reply, let the sender know how much you appreciate it!

Check out our Common Work Emails and Gmail pages for more templates you can use today!

Thank You For Your Quick Response - Tips

If you’ve received a quick response to your email, reciprocate the courtesy by replying with a “thank you for your quick response email.” Here are some tips for sending your thank you email:

  1. Respond Promptly, if possible: Chances are, your sender will appreciate a prompt email as well. Send your “thank you” at your earliest convenience.

  2. Add detail (but not too much): Tell a short story and let the sender know why you appreciated their quick response. Did it help you finish a task quicker? Did it make you smile? Of course, use your judgment here. If the matter was menial, perhaps a simple “thanks for your quick response” and nothing else, is sufficient.

  3. Be genuine: If you’re responding to someone in an upper management role, or a big client, try to be as genuine as you can. Too much flattery can look ingenuine, so be wary of the temptation to send an overly gracious email response.

  4. Use technology: Use Text Blaze to help you automate your email through keyboard shortcuts that you can use to create templates and rapidly send frequently-typed messages. With Text Blaze, you can siginificantly reduce your response times, which leaves you more time to do other things that matter.

Well received and thank you for your kind support แปลว่า

12 Thank You For Your Quick Response Examples

Thank You for Your Quick Response - From a Business to a Client

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If you’re in a service role providing support on a project for a client, you are perhaps frequently requesting them for information to do your best work. Waiting days for quick tidbits of information can be grueling, especially if you just need that one confirmation to get the work moving.

Confirmation message

Thanks for your quick response! With your confirmation on this, it will be easier to move forward with the next steps. I appreciate how quickly you shared this insight with me, as it will help me complete the project quicker.


Thank you message

I appreciate your quick response, thank you! This helped me finish a couple of important tasks for our project before the weekend, so I’ll get to spend more time with my grandchildren. Please let me know if there’s anything I could help you with as well.


Well received and thank you for your kind support แปลว่า

Quote Message

Thanks for your swift reply! This information will help me put together an accurate quote for your pronto. I’ll get back to you on that in the next day or two.


Deadline message

Wow! Thanks for the speedy reply. With the upcoming deadline, your promptness will help me move the project forward to the next step.


Additional Thank You for Your Quick Response Phrases

Fast information

Thanks for getting all of this information to me pronto! I really appreciate your speedy work on this.


Acknowledgement message

Thanks for providing this information to me. I know you must be swamped today with other requests, so I really appreciate you prioritizing mine this afternoon.


Leave early message

I appreciate the quick response. This will help me leave on time today so I can finally check out that art museum that opened down the street.


Grateful message

Thanks for finding that information for me. I know it must have been tedious, so I’m grateful for your efforts.


Impressed message

That was a record-time quick response! Thanks so much for that, I really wanted to get everything done before I left today, so I appreciate you helping me make that happen.


12 Thank You For Your Prompt Response Examples

Thank you Prompt From a Customer Support Representative to a Customer

As customer support reps, we know that the companies we work for, value feedback from their customers, even if it’s negative feedback.

If you’re communicating with a customer, whether it’s to gather more information about an incident, or to request more personal information from them for a sale — let them know you appreciate them!

Incident message

Thank you for your prompt response! I appreciate you getting this information to me so quickly. It will certainly help me and my team assess the incident and learn the root cause of the technical issue.


Holiday message

I’m grateful for your prompt response. I know the holidays are a busy time for many, so it means a lot that you took the time to provide more information to me, to help me deliver your package to you promptly!


Product error message

Thank you for your quick feedback! We value the time you took in letting us know what happened with this product. Rest assured, we’ll investigate the case in the coming days and respond shortly with our decided action.


Investigation message

Thank you for your prompt response. We appreciate the attention you’ve given to this matter and will use this information to conduct a thorough investigation into the incident.


Responding to package request

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. As per your previous request - I’ll have the extra package ready for you within the next day or two.


Feedback response

Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion with us! We’re grateful for the opportunity to improve our operations, so it means a lot that you took the time to reach out so quickly. I will have a manager contact you shortly to discuss the next steps.


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Thank You for Your Quick Response from a Sales Representative to a Prospective Customer

Non-purchase message

Wow! That was a fast response. Thanks so much for getting back to me and letting me know you’re not able to purchase our products at this time. If your circumstances change, feel free to email me at your earliest convenience.


Follow-up message

Thanks for your prompt response! I’ve attached further information for you to review regarding the email I previously shared with you. Feel free to email me again with any further questions, or to book an appointment.


Feedback message

I appreciate your honest and prompt response! We want to accommodate any potential clients, so I will be sharing your request for an updated description with my superiors.


Let's connect later message

Thank you for the speedy reply! I look forward to connecting with you at a time that’s more convenient for you.


Purchase response

Thank you for responding so quickly! I’m delighted to hear that you’re interested in the product. I’m looking forward to discussing this further with you in person. Are you available for an appointment this week?


Interest response

Thanks for expressing your interest so promptly! I will need a few days to gather your requested information and will reach out to you again in the coming days.


5 Thank You For Your Quick Response Email Samples

Customer Support Message

Customer Support message

Hi {formtext: name=first name; cols=8},

Thank you for the prompt response and for helping us provide a faster resolution. In addition to the information shared by you, our support team needs the following additional information: {formparagraph: name=more details; cols=25; rows=1}

Once we receive the additional information, we will be able to work through your request and provide a resolution within a few hours.

Your quick response is greatly appreciated.

Regards, Helen


Grateful For Your Support Message

Grateful for your support message

Hi {formtext: name=first name; cols=8},

Thanks for your quick response and handling our request for {formtext: name=reason; cols=7}. We greatly appreciate your team at {formtext: name=company name; cols=13} for going above and beyond and providing us with real time support for {formtext: name=reason; cols=7}.

Regards, Shaun


Prepping a Quote Message

Prepping a quote message

Hi {formtext: name=first name; cols=8},

Thank you so much for the quick response. I will share this information with my team and we will have a quote ready for you by {time: LL}.

Meanwhile, if you have any questions, feel free to write back to me.

Regards, Sharon


Saving Time Message

Saving time message

Hi {formtext: name=first name; cols=8},

Thank you for the speedy response. This is exactly the information I needed. I spent hours searching across our files and still couldn’t find it.

Your quick response probably saved me another couple of hours today!

Regards, Corey


Problem-Resolution Message

Problem-resolution message

Hi {formtext: name=first name; cols=8},

Thank you for the prompt response and for sharing more information on the issue that you are facing! Our engineering team looked at it and we found {formtext: name=problems; cols=8} that you can resolve by following these steps: {formparagraph: name=steps to resolve issues; cols=25; rows=3}

While we feel certain that it will resolve the issue, feel free to reach out to us if the issue persists.

Regards, Judy



Telling someone "thank you" for how quickly they were able to respond to you is a good way of showing how you appreciate them. With Text Blaze, you can significantly reduce the time it takes for you to respond to emails, which can save you HOURS of work.

Keyboard shortcuts allow you to create customizable templates that you can quickly send to people if you need to send a quick "thank you for your response" message or email. Use the templates above to show your coworkers how much you appreciate them, and even save hours of your time while you're at it!

Hi there! You made it all the way down to the bottom of this article. Take a few seconds to share it.

Want to turbo charge your work with templates and snippets? Text Blaze is the fastest way to do that.

Well received and thank you for your kind support แปลว่า