บริษัท น้ํา มัน พืช ไทย สมัคร งาน

����ѷ ����ѹ�ת�� �ӡѴ (��Ҫ�)

����ѷ : ����ѷ ����ѹ�ת�� �ӡѴ (��Ҫ�)
��������´����ѷ : ��͵������ͻ� �.�. 2528 ����騴����¹㹵�Ҵ��ѡ��Ѿ����觻����������ͻ� �.�. 2533 ���¡�â��µ�Ƿ���Ժ� ���ҧ������ͧ ���ѧ��ü�Ե 6,000 �ѹ ���紶�������ͧ/�ѹ ����ѷ� ��Ե��ШѴ��˹����Թ��ҷ�駵�Ҵ㹻���� ��е�ҧ����� ���觼�Ե�ѳ���͡�� 2 ����� ��Сͺ���� ��Ե�ѳ�����ѹ��ا����� ��м�Ե�ѳ��ҡ��������ͧ

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���ʴԡ�� : - ���ʴԡ�ä���ѡ�Ҿ�Һ�� 30,000 �ҷ / ��
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�Ըա����Ѥ� : - �����Ѥ÷ҧ E-mail
- ��Ѥô��µ��ͧ
�Դ��� : ���·�Ѿ�ҡúؤ��
�� : 02-477-9020
ῡ�� : 02-477-8190
������� : �ӹѡ�ҹ�˭� 149 ��� �Ѫ�����ɡ (��Ҿ��-�ҡ�Թ) �ǧ�ؤ��� ࢵ������ ��ا෾��ҹ�� 10600
���䫵� : www.tvothai.com

Production Deputy Manager / �ͧ���Ѵ���Ἱ���Ե

���˹觧ҹ : Production Deputy Manager / �ͧ���Ѵ���Ἱ���Ե
��������´�ҹ : 1. �ҧἹ��ü�Ե ��÷ӧҹ��С��ѧ������ʹ���ͧ�Ѻ PRODUCTION PLANNING
2. �Ǻ�����ü�Ե��Фس�Ҿ�ҹ�����仵���������
3. �Ǻ������ž�ѡ�ҹ㹺ѧ�Ѻ�ѭ������ջ���Է���Ҿ
4. ����ҹ�ҹ�Ѻ˹��§ҹ�������Ǣ�ͧ
�ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
�Թ��͹ : ����ç���ҧ����ѷ �ҷ
ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : �Ӻ������� ����͹�ê����� �ѧ��Ѵ��û��
�ѧ��Ѵ : ��û��
�س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ���� 30 �բ���
2. �زԡ���֡�� �.��� ���ǡ�����ʵ�� �Է����ʵ�� ��èѴ��������Ңҷ������Ǣ�ͧ
3. �շѡ�д�ҹ��ú����èѴ��á��ѧ�� ��ú����çҹ���Ἱ�ҹ
4. ����ö��Ժѵԧҹ���������С��ѹ�������ҧ��
5. ����ö ��ҹ-��¹ �����ѧ�����

LG Supervisor / ���˹��Ἱ���ѧ�Թ��� (��û��)

���˹觧ҹ : LG Supervisor / ���˹��Ἱ���ѧ�Թ��� (��û��)
��������´�ҹ : - �ҧἹ��еԴ�������Ѻ-�����Թ��һ�Ш��ѹ
- ����ҹ�ҹ�ҧἹ��Ե�Թ��� ���͵ͺʹͧ������ͧ��á�Ш���Թ��һ�Ш��ѹ ��Ш���͹
- �Ǻ�����è����Թ�����к�FIFO ��е�Ǩ�ͺ�����١��ͧ�ͧ��è����Թ���
- �Ǻ��������١��ͧ�ͧ�Թ��Ҥ���ѧ ��е�Ǩ�ͺ���ͻ�ͧ�ѹ�Թ�������纷���������ҹ
- �Ǻ�����еԴ�����èѴ���Թ��������ѹ
- �Ǻ�����èѴ��ä�ѧ�Թ������͵ͺʹͧ��ú����ä�ѧ���ҧ�ջ���Է���Ҿ
- �ҧἹ������ͧ�����е�Ǩ�ͺ�Ǻ���������Ѿ�ҡ÷����繵�͡�û�Ժѵԧҹ �����ǹ�ͧ���ѧ�� ����ͧ�ѡ� �ػ�ó����ҧ�ջ���Է���Ҿ
- �Ǻ�����û�Ժѵԧҹ���KPI�����ػ��§ҹ��Ш���͹�ͧἹ�
- ��Ѻ��ا�Ѳ���к���÷ӧҹ ����Ŵ�����٭���¢ͧ��Ѿ�ҡ� ��С�÷ӧҹ���ҧ�ջ���Է���Ҿ�ҡ���
- ��ػ��ШѴ����������Ţͧ��÷ӧ�����ҳ��Шӻ�
�ѵ�� : 2 ���˹�
�Թ��͹ : �����ŧ �ҷ
ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : �ӺŢع��� ����͹�ê����� �ѧ��Ѵ��û��
�ѧ��Ѵ : ��û��
�س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ���� 20-35 �� �� ���
2. �.��� �Ңҡ�èѴ����Ũ�ʵԡ�������Ңҷ������Ǣ�ͧ �����ز� ���. �ջ��ʺ���ó��ҹ�ҹ�Ѵ�� ���ҧ���� 2 ��
3. ����ö�ӧҹ����С��ѹ���
4. ������������ѹ���

���˹�ҷ�������ʹ����ԪҪվ (��û��)

���˹觧ҹ : ���˹�ҷ�������ʹ����ԪҪվ (��û��)
��������´�ҹ : - �Ǻ������ŧҹ��ҹ������ʹ��¢ͧ����ѷ�����仵����衮���¡�˹�
- ��������ҧ�Ԩ������ҹ������ʹ��¡Ѻ���͢��¤�����ʹ���㹺���ѷ�
- ����ҹ�ҹ�ѺἹ���ҧ� ����ͧ�Ԩ����������ʹ���
�ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
�Թ��͹ : ����ç���ҧ����ѷ �ҷ
ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : �Ӻ������� ����͹�ê����� �ѧ��Ѵ��û��
�ѧ��Ѵ : ��û��
�س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. ��ԭ�ҵ�� �Ң��Ҫ��͹����
2. ���ʺ��ó�ӧҹ��ҹ�ҹ������ʹ��� 1-3 ��
3. ����ö��Ժѵԧҹ� �.��û����

Customer Service Executive (Export Department)

���˹觧ҹ : Customer Service Executive (Export Department)
��������´�ҹ : � Prepare export customs clearance and Arrange Invoice to customer and also Arrange cheque to pick up D/O process billing and release delivery order to customer
� Internal receiving info from customer service + shipping particular from shipper for B/L processing.
� Self-checked on accuracy of internal and external documents
� Document processing (Invoice , Packing list, BL)
� Ship particular issuance for carrier to process the Master (ocean )B/L
� Invoicing (outgoing to oversea office)
�Processing payment voucher
�Interface with subcontractors, freight forwarders and delivery personnel
�Perform other tasks as assigned by Supervisors and/or Managers
�ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
�Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : �ǧ�ؤ��� ࢵ������ �ѧ��Ѵ��ا෾��ҹ��
�ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
ࢵ : ��ͧ�ҹ, ������, �ҧ�͡�˭�
�س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Female age not over 30
2. Bachelor�s degree in any fields
3. 0 � 2 years of experience in freight forwarding industry
4. Good command of English
5. Preferably with working experience in multinational freight forwarder

Trade Marketing Executive (Require FMCG background)

���˹觧ҹ : Trade Marketing Executive (Require FMCG background)
��������´�ҹ : � Well understanding the overall retails market as well as particularities of modern trade and traditional trade respectively
� Work closely with sales team for sales forecasting, marketing team for trade budget spending, and local distributor for sales growth.
� Co-work with Marketing and Sales Teams to develop and implement trade marketing strategy for each client.
� Execute and manage trade marketing activities related to the strategies with local distributors.
� Conduct and check competitive benchmarking, retail price comparison, competitors movement and feedback to Marketing and Sales Teams.
� Create synergy in Marketing data tracking, store capacity mapping, shops mapping and develop improvement plans.
�ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
�Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : �ǧ�ؤ��� ࢵ������ �ѧ��Ѵ��ا෾��ҹ��
�ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
ࢵ : ��ͧ�ҹ, ������, �ҧ�͡�˭�
�س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. Thai national, age not over 35 years
2. Bachelor or Master Degree in Marketing
3. English proficiency in both speaking and writing skills
4. At least 2 years working experience in marketing in managerial level preferably in FMCG industry or international market
5. Excellent team player, resourceful enthusiastic and independent with a passion for building brands
6. Good analytical, interpersonal and negotiation skills
7. Able to travel in CLMV countries Computer literacy is a must

���˹觧ҹ : ���˹��˹��¡���Թ
��������´�ҹ : 1. ���¡ STATEMENT �ء��Ҥ�� (¡��� CITI BANK, BBL HO, BBL TP)
2. �����ʹ�Թ�����������кѭ�� ��зӡ���͹�Թ�����ҧ��Ҥ��
3. �Ǻ�����ػ CASH FLOW IN-OUT �ͧ�����ѹ �������駨Ѵ����§ҹ (����ҳ���)
4. ��Ǩ�ͺ��ö١��ͧ�ͧ�礷��ӽҡ CTB
5. ��Ѻ��ا��¡�÷ҧ�ѭ������ǡѺ�Թ�ҡ��Ҥ�� (C/A) �Ѻ Bank Statement
6. �Ө��� Supplier ����ҹ�к��Ե��ầ��
7. �����Թʴ���·ء�ѹ�ѧ��� ��о����
8. ��Ǩ�ҹ����ǡѺ����͹�Թ�����ҧ��Ҥ��
9. ��Ǩ�ͺ�����١��ͧ�ͧ��§ҹ ���. 3 ,53 ���º�Ѻ GL
10. Application ����͹�Թ��ҧ����Ⱦ�����駫��� rate���Ѻ�س��� ����� APP ���Ѻ�ҧ��Ҥ��
11. PV ��ǹ�����ͧ��è��ª��� TR ����֧�������к� SAP ��еԴ����͡������ú��ǹ
12.�� PV ��ǹ������ҧ � ����Դ���� statement �ҷ��� ��Ҹ������� ��Ҷ��ǵ�� �繵�
13. �Ѵ����е�Ǩ�ͺ� ��.
14. �Ѵ�� ��§ҹ report swap and option
15. �觢����� Hedging Commodities ���ҧ BOT
16. ��úѹ�֡�礢���Թ��к� SAP
17. Reconcile bank clearing ���ç�Ѻ Bank Statement
18. ��Ǩ PV
19. �Ө�.¡��ԡ�� ��е�Ǩ�ͺ��â���Թ�ͧ�Թ�ѹ�Ţͧ�������ѡ��Ѿ��
20. �Ѻ����ͧ�Թ��ҵ�� �ҡ�ҧ��Ҥ������駺�����͢� rate
21. ��Ǩ�ͺ�ҹ�ͧ�����ѧ�Ѻ�ѭ�� �ͺ���§ҹ����͹�ҹ�����ѧ�Ѻ�ѭ��
�ѵ�� : 1 ���˹�
�Թ��͹ : ����к� �ҷ
ʶҹ��軯Ժѵԧҹ : �ǧ�ؤ��� ࢵ������ �ѧ��Ѵ��ا෾��ҹ��
�ѧ��Ѵ : ��ا෾��ҹ��
ࢵ : ��ͧ�ҹ, ������, �ҧ�͡�˭�
�س���ѵԼ����Ѥ� : 1. �Ȫ��/˭ԧ ��������Թ 35 ��
2. �زԡ���֡���дѺ ��ԭ�ҵ�� ���� �Ңҡ�úѭ��
3. �ջ��ʺ��ó�㹵��˹觧ҹ�ҡ���� 3 �բ���
4. �դ�������ö��ҹ�к� SAP ��С�����ٵ� EXCEL �������ҧ�� (�����Ѻ�Ԩ�ó��繾����)
5. ����ö�ӧҹ��������С��ѹ��
6. �շ��ѡ������ѷϨоԨ�ó��繾����


